View Full Version : Insert dash or dot between token?

December 19th, 2005, 01:35 PM
Hello Chris, et al... it would make the string of numbers in my file names alot easier to read, if there were some way to insert a dash or dot in between each token's displayed value.

Instead of a file name like 051218170620DSC5892, I would then have a name that looked like 051218-170620-DSC5892 which is much faster to read and understand. I have been naming my files manually this way for years, with no software conflicts.

Would a simple token that inserted a - or a _ or a . be possible to create, or is there something already like this?

Thanks for your consideration,


December 19th, 2005, 10:25 PM

Why can't you just use dashes between tokens - this will do exactly what
you want. Unless of course I do not understand what you wish to achieve.

Chris Breeze
December 20th, 2005, 08:02 AM
It looks like you're naming the images with date, time and original filename using "%d%t%o". If you change this to "%d-%t-%o" the groups will be separated by hyphens.