View Full Version : How I use Downloader Pro

Nill Toulme
February 1st, 2005, 08:52 PM
I've posted this in a number of places before, but since we've got a new forum I thought I'd post it again here for reference.

I often get the sense that even many of those who already use DL Pro don't realize how powerful and versatile it is. Just by way of example, here's what it does for me. When I insert a CF into my firewire reader, Downloader Pro automatically and without further intervention:

1. Fires itself up.

2. Creates one or more subfolders folders in my /My Pictures folder named for the date(s) and events at which the images on the CF were created.

3. Downloads the images to those subfolders.

4. Renames the images to my specification. I name my images based on date and event. For example, shots taken at the Great Big High School varsity girls soccer match on April 30, 2010, get renamed to 100430-GBHSvg-001.cr2.

5. Adds IPTC copyright info to the images.

6. Checks the downloads.

7. Backs them up to automatically created folders on my external firewire drive (using the Backup plug-in available on the Breeze site).

8. Clears the CF card.

9. Releases the CF card from the system.

10. Exits.

11. Starts up BreezeBrowser (or whatever app you like) in the newly created folder.

Highest recommendation.
