View Full Version : Nikon D200-Color Mode info not appearing??

February 12th, 2006, 06:38 PM
I just downloaded my first RAW images from my D 200 using Downloader Pro. In viewing the image shooting data in Nikon Capture and Nikon View, I noticed that it showed "Color Mode--Mode I (Adobe RGB) " In my camera, I selected Adobe RGB in "color space" of the Shooting Menu. I also selected Color Mode II in the Custom section of Optimize Image in the Shooting Menu. I was wondering why the mode II does not show up in my transferred files. I am brand new to digital so any help will be appreciated. Joe Smith

February 12th, 2006, 08:19 PM
Well, I think I found the problem. It was yours truly. I just did a test and this time color mode II appears along with adobe rgb in the shooting data. I must have not saved my settings in the camera properly. Sorry about that. Joe Smith