View Full Version : Pro 1.8 error status name clash

Joe W
March 4th, 2006, 12:34 AM
I recently purchased and installed downloader Pro 1.8. Attempting to download from a card reader I get the message "status name clash". I'm shooting raw plus JPG from camera. I have duplicate file names however the extension is either jpg or cr2 with no other duplicates as the card came from the camera.

Does this mean I can only shoot one file format from the camera or Downloader will not work?

Thank you

Chris Breeze
March 6th, 2006, 09:54 AM
Downloader Pro can download raw+JPEG files without problems because they have different file extensions.
The "Name clash" message is displayed if two or more different files on the memory card would have the same download name. If you right click on the file and select "Download status" it will display more information about the problem.