View Full Version : Resizing to create 70Mb+ tifs

April 4th, 2006, 07:39 AM

I want to use the 'proofs' function to generate TIFs of 70Mb+ but can't get it to work. It's ok up to about 65Mb but I get an error message when trying to resize within a 6250x6250 pixel constraint.

Any ideas?



Chris Breeze
April 4th, 2006, 09:08 AM
I don't have any problem generating large TIFFs using proofs on my system (Windows XP Pro, 1Gb RAM, plenty of spare hard disk space). I can create 36"x24" proofs at 300dpi from my Canon EOS 5D files without any problem (TIFF file size=222Mb). These massive files really stress Windows' memory management and it's possible you may have problems if your PC doesn't have enough RAM or is running an older version of Windows (e.g. Windows 98 or ME).

April 4th, 2006, 12:39 PM
Hi Chris,

XP pro 2Gb RAM 200Gb of spare disk space. Files are stored/created on a machine running Microsoft Small Business Server (also with loads of spare space). Error message says I might be out of disk space.

Error message reads...
Exception processing proofs:
ERROR: Cannot write to TIFF file:
K:\file path name etc...
Disk may be full

I've just checked, and I don't get the problem if I have the TIF file written to my local drive - only when I write to the file server. Smaller files aren't a problem.

any ideas please?



Chris Breeze
April 5th, 2006, 09:07 AM
Sorry I don't know why this is, but it sounds like a networking problem. I don't have any problems writing the files to a drive shared from another XP Pro PC apart from the fact it is very slow. All I can suggest is to create them locally and then move them to the network drive.