View Full Version : Monochrome conversions?

Jim Z
January 17th, 2005, 05:51 PM
Since upgrading to BB Pro I have on occasion had a problem. I have folders of raw files organized by species. Images are from my 20D and Mark II. If I select say a dozen raw files and select "convert selected" some of them come out in monochrome. This never happens if I convert individually..... only when selecting a number of images that are from the two different bodies. I don't recall this ever happening with BB.

I assume it is a glitch somewhere?

Chris Breeze
January 17th, 2005, 06:08 PM
Since upgrading to BB Pro I have on occasion had a problem. I have folders of raw files organized by species. Images are from my 20D and Mark II. If I select say a dozen raw files and select "convert selected" some of them come out in monochrome. This never happens if I convert individually..... only when selecting a number of images that are from the two different bodies. I don't recall this ever happening with BB.

I assume it is a glitch somewhere?


There was a problem with 20D raw files being converted as B&W in proofs using BBPro v1.0. This was fixed in BBPro v1.0.1. Do you get the problem with BBPro v1.0.1?



Jim Z
January 17th, 2005, 06:11 PM
Yes Chris I have version 1.0.1. I don't ever recall this happening before and I have been using BB for a couple of years now. The 20D files always convert fine by themselves and even in a batch I belive but when I select a number if images that are from mixed cameras I get the monochromes.

Chris Breeze
January 17th, 2005, 10:04 PM

You might get strange results if you convert mixtures of 20D and 1D Mark II files because the raw conversion parameters are somewhat different and incompatible.



Jim Z
January 17th, 2005, 10:24 PM
Hi Chris,
I was under the impression that the program automatically detected the file and used the correct conversion. I never choose when doing individual files and never had a problem when using BB (Non Pro).

After downloading images I rename them and sort by species with no regard to the camera used. Does this mean that using Breezebrowser Pro now that I would have to identify every image as to which camera was used in order to convert? That would be quite cumbersome. :(

Chris Breeze
January 18th, 2005, 07:50 AM
It will convert the images from the two cameras but some of the settings are completely imcompatible. A white balance setting from the 20D makes no sense when applied to a 1D Mark II and a 1D Mark II color matrix setting has no meaning for a 20D. The 20D also has the B&W mode setting and it's possible this is not being initialised properly when converted mixed batches of 20D and 1D Mark II files when the first file is a 1D Mark II file. You might be better off using proofs to batch process the image and then maybe go back to images that need individual adjustments.

Jim Z
January 19th, 2005, 12:00 PM
Hi Chris,

Color Matrix in MII is set to Adobe RGB and White Balance on both set at Auto. Do you think setting the MII to "Standard" on the color matrix would fix this problem?