View Full Version : unique sequence #'s for Canon 1d/s/mk2s

February 17th, 2005, 07:58 PM
apologies if this gets posted more than once.. i've done it twice so far with database error messages aferwards, then i waited for 20 min without it posting

on both of these cameras (maybe 1D and 1Dmk2 as well), the filename turns over after 9999 (back to 0000). However , internally, the camera keeps track of a unique serial # for each image shot ( i believe it's in EXIF Unknown field 0x0093.. second or third byte). Any chance of Downloader Pro using this as a token?


Nill Toulme
February 25th, 2005, 03:06 PM
Jim this is not directly responsive to your question, but FWIW see my post in this forum entitled "How I Use Downloader Pro." It includes suggestions for adding a fifth and sixth digit to your filenames, which ends up accomplishing more or less what you're after.


Chris Breeze
March 4th, 2005, 05:53 PM
There is what looks like a frame counter that's stored in the MakerNote of some Canon cameras under tag 0x93. I'm not sure how accurate it is and it only appears to be available with 1D series cameras and the 20D.

March 5th, 2005, 01:26 AM
yes! that's the one. it's pretty accurate with those cameras (at least is has been on my 1ds. capture one has the option of using it as a rename option. this, along with the camera serial # makes a very unique filename for the life of a camera (and handy when you're working with multiple bodies

and yes. .it does only seem to work with the 1Dseris and 20D cameras.
