View Full Version : Which Keyword Vocabulary database to Use?

March 30th, 2008, 02:09 AM
Would be very interested to hear peoples views of the best ways of sorting photos so you can find them easily via Breeze Browser.

I also have to bear in mind that I am also thinking of this for my young son, who is quite badly dyslexic, and so finds spelling difficult and therefore, the ability to select a number of similar photos and just type the word "flower" for example or "squirrel" as few a times as possible would help !

Something easy, maybe where I cold set it up and he could select shots and click on a list maybe ??

I really would appreciate your help, as he seems to be taking lots of photos, and they are all in loads of different folders everywhere !!

I spent several hours over Easter, sorting them into folders such as under a Root Directory "Photograph"

Wildlife Animals
Wildlife Flowers
Wildlife Trees
Wildlife Mushrooms

Callum Buildings
Callum Friends
Callum Sport

I then had a file under each called e.g. Wildlife Flowers Shortlisted ( i.e. ones he thinks are best)

etc., and then I used Breeze Browser, and manually selected a whole load of the same, and change the name e.g. IMG_2357 became IMG_2357_animals_squirrel
and I put it in the Animals folder. My thoughts were, this way, he can have all animals together or search *squirrel*.jpg and just get any jpg with squirrel.

I am sure there is an easier way, but at least we now have some form of order !! - it just takes hours, and I am not sure how easy it will be for him to keep this up to date.

We have Photoshop and Breeze Browser and Canon Software if that is any help.

I have heard of The Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog (CVKC) which evidently can "plug in" to Breeze Browser.

Any help or advice, greatly appreciate.

I am not amazingly technical, so clear simple instructions / ideas would be appreciate, so I can help my son out !


March 30th, 2008, 10:25 PM
The best thing is to have a play with some 'sacrificial' copies of images, to find which way of working suits you best.

You work from the Edit|Keywords (Shift+Ctrl+K) dialogue. Pressing the 'keywords' button gets you to a small sample of David Riecks' Controlled Vocabulary (details, and lots of relevant information, from his website (http://www.controlledvocabulary.com/)). Essentially this is a pretty comprehensive, hierarchically structured keyword list, which is so designed that, if you enter a 'child' keyword, its parents (and other ancestors) will also be entered, making the job of keywording a lot easier. So, if you select 'swallow', 'bird' will also be added to the list for inclusion (though it can be deleted if you wish).

The Controlled Vocabulary is pretty massive, and only you can decide whether its size and $70 price tag is justified in your context. If it isn't, it is a fairly simple matter to create an alternative keywords.txt file, using the layout of the sample file you will find in the BB Pro program directory. (Don't forget to back up this new file out of harm's way, as it will be overwritten if BB Pro is updated or reinstalled.) A bit of trial and error with your own file and some sacrificial images should get you at least to first base. It's what I did, and it worked pretty well.

Hope this helps.

March 30th, 2008, 10:53 PM
Thanks for that adivce ... very useful.

As BB Pro doesn't have a search facility, I do like it for most other functions.

Which DAM or database would you suggest using, that will be able to use David's key words?

e.g. Imatch or similar?

Thanks again

March 31st, 2008, 10:12 AM
For data entry, I myself would use BB Pro, because it integrates well with the vocabulary. Versions of the vocabulary are also available from Bridge and LightRoom, but I haven't tried those.

For searches (not available in BB Pro :(), you need any application which can read and search on IPTC/XMP keyword data, and there are quite a lot of those. While you are experimenting, you could download and install the freeware XnView (http://pagesperso-orange.fr/pierre.g/xnview/enxnview.html), which has this capability.

Hope this helps.

April 2nd, 2008, 10:37 PM
Thank you David ... I might try that.

I have just downloaded a free 30 day trial of Lightroom to see how I get on.

Warm regards

April 10th, 2008, 11:47 AM
I have just downloaded a free 30 day trial of Lightroom to see how I get on. Debs

Hi Debs, regarding LR, please refer to my post in your thread here (http://www.breezesys.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2720)
