View Full Version : Number of bracketed images limited to 5 ???

Patrick Jollain
August 15th, 2009, 03:13 PM

I am testing auto bracketing, but it seems that the software refuses to take more than 5 pictures, even if I put 7 or 9 shots to be taken...

I am in Av mode, and asked for the shutter speed to be changed for each shot.

Does someone have an idea?


Patrick Jollain
August 15th, 2009, 03:35 PM
I will answer my own question :D

This is because of the Av mode. In this mode, you can only have a range of -2 Ev to +2 Ev from the exposition determined by the camera. So the number of shots is limited by the stops between each shot...

You have to switch to Manual mode to have as many shots as needed!