View Full Version : SDK or API in future?

October 30th, 2009, 03:35 PM
Any chance that the software will evolve to contain an API to allow us to hook into certain events so we can customize the user experience a bit based on certain events happening? As well as error message notification etc. That way we can have plugins we can install that can add functionality?

Easiest examples that I can think of off the top of my head. I'm running my test booth this weekend for my Halloween party. I thought it would be neat to rotate the taking.jpg image to something spooky or scary to get a reaction out of the people in the booth.

If a hook existed that allowed me to monitor when the taking process was done, I could rotate file names for the next taking.

Another example. If I could hook into when the booth prints, I could hook in and have it alert me to when the printer was getting close to 200 prints.



Chris Breeze
November 2nd, 2009, 09:27 AM
You could probably do quite a lot by writing a script which monitors the output folder for new images or the prints folder for JPEG cop[ies of the print layout.
PSRemote also has an undocumented (and not fully tested) feature which allows you to run a .exe or .bat file in the same way as it optionally plays a .wav file when the screen image is updated. To enable this you need to set two registry values:

Registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BreezeSystems\PSRemote\ 102

PhotoboothStatusCmdEnable REG_DWORD set to 1
PhotoboothStatusCmdEnable REG_SZ full path of the .bat or .exe file to run

The pathname of the screen image is passed as arg1 to allow the command to know what stage of the sequence has been reached.

August 4th, 2010, 10:05 PM
I'd like to revive/second the thought of providing users with some means of hooking into event handling (API or otherwise) at a minimum. Beyond that, an API/SDK which allowed for the creation of a custom user interface would be great.

Anything remotely like that on the horizon?

Chris Breeze
August 24th, 2010, 01:40 PM
I don't have any plans to add plug-ins or an API/SDK for customizing the photobooth operation at the moment. You can do quite a lot using AutoHotKey scripts to monitor the screens and change different settings. There are some examples here: http://www.breezesys.com/articles/photobooth6.htm