View Full Version : Edit IPTC data - Document Title

December 5th, 2009, 05:49 AM

I would like to automatically update the document title in a batch of files to @fileNoExt@
but many of the files may already something in the document title
*and* all of the files have very diferent tags which I need to remain untouched.

When I've used this in the past I had no previous tags or document titles present so it was a simple task.

So I want to overwrite document title and keep the tags preserved.

Many thanks



December 5th, 2009, 09:07 AM

As with your previous query, the procedure is given in post #9 in this thread (http://www.breezesys.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3486). Try out before you commit!


December 6th, 2009, 12:38 AM

My eyes glazed over when I read
"save to XMP a set of IPTC data which is as empty as possible"

So I've finally followed your posting:
1. Have an image with no IPTC data
2. Edit IPTC/XMP data
3. Click the "Save to file" saving as eg blank.xmp
4. Select the photos you wish to change only one field of the IPTC
5. Edit IPTC/XMP data "Load" with the blank.xmp
6. Make the appropriate change to the one IPTC field to be changed.
7 Set the 'Merge ...' option for Keywords etc.
8 'Leave existing entry if the new entry is blank' option checked
9 click 'Apply selected'

My dummies guide for Margaret ;)

Thanks again, David



December 6th, 2009, 02:56 PM
My eyes glazed over when I read
"save to XMP a set of IPTC data which is as empty as possible"
Very fair comment. The point is that a couple of the tags have date/time fields which cannot be emptied like text fields; they have to be left alone. Next time I have to describe this procedure, I'll explain this better.

Your variation is a good one; the only reason it doesn't work for me is that I add IPTC data in DL Pro, so I don't have any images without IPTC data of some sort. Also, with your variation, I would make sure that the "Use EXIF date/time ..." box in the batch update settings dialogue is ticked, which should probably be standard practice in the procedure in any case.

Anyway, I'm glad the procedure worked for you, and am grateful for your description of the variant. A facility to batch edit a single (text) IPTC tag without affecting any other tag is still one of my top feature requests for BB Pro. If it can be done for the caption and keywords, why not the other tags as well?


December 6th, 2009, 11:50 PM

Anyway, I'm glad the procedure worked for you, and am grateful for your description of the variant. A facility to batch edit a single (text) IPTC tag without affecting any other tag is still one of my top feature requests for BB Pro. If it can be done for the caption and keywords, why not the other tags as well?



I'm madly organising nearly 1000 images for genealogy to put up on a family tree web site. I'm madly going through all my images making sure they have meaningful filenames ("Surname Firstname year event"), then tagging them and then having BBPro automatically put in the Documetn Title.

My wishlist would be to have
ONE - facility to batch edit a single (text) IPTC tag without affecting any other tag is still one of my top feature requests for BB Pro.
- all the fields for the IPTC data in the one screen for Edit | Edit IPTC rather than tabs for Description, Keywords, .....
- have the option to display the IPTC data in the main view (rather than clicking on Full Details, IPTC)


PS. I've used a number of methods
1. Windows Explorer for Vista or Win 7 to display the tags, title then right clicking Properties
2. http://www.itagsoftware.com iTag (not quite in control of this one)

December 7th, 2009, 12:21 AM
My wishlist would be to have ..

- the option to display the IPTC data in the main view (rather than clicking on Full Details, IPTC)
You can do this already. In Preferences, Caption tab, add the token @IPTC@ to the main view EXIF summary text box, and a summary of your IPTC tags will be displayed in Main View. Note that you need a fairly large BB Pro window to display both the EXIF and the IPTC summaries in full; you can have BB Pro display only a selection of the data by entering the HTML tokens for those tags you wish to display.

Hope this helps.


December 7th, 2009, 10:16 PM
You can do this already. In Preferences, Caption tab, add the token @IPTC@ to the main view EXIF summary text box, and a summary of your IPTC tags will be displayed in Main View. Note that you need a fairly large BB Pro window to display both the EXIF and the IPTC summaries in full; you can have BB Pro display only a selection of the data by entering the HTML tokens for those tags you wish to display.

Hope this helps.


Oooooooooooooooo I have no idea how long I've been a BB and BBPro user! Wow the things I'm learning about bells and whistles ;) I used the @IPTC@ which gives me the tags/keywords and Title. Yeah !!!

Thanks David

