View Full Version : Live View Questions

January 7th, 2010, 09:08 PM
I can't get live view to work, when it does work (for a few shots) it will only work in the mirror mode.
Do you guys have any suggestions? Maybe the USB connector to the comp needs to be a certain type, etc...

Chris Breeze
January 11th, 2010, 07:45 AM
The most likely cause of this is the USB connection. This could be due to the USB cable being excessively long or of poor quality or it could be a problem with the USB ports on the computer. Some laptops don't provide enough power to USB ports when running from batteries and this can cause reliability problems.

With DSLR Remote Pro the live view can be mirrored by right clicking on the live view and selecting "Mirror image". You can revert to non-mirrored live view by deselecting this. In photobooth mode there is a checkbox in the photobooth settings dialog which controls whether the live view is mirrored or not.

February 12th, 2010, 06:17 AM
I'm still having issues with this and what I have gathered is that the live view only works for me when exp mode in PSremote is set to Program. When I have it on Manual, it doesn't work.
Anybody have that same problem?

Chris Breeze
February 12th, 2010, 08:21 AM
Live view should work whatever the exposure mode is set to. If it works reliably when the exposure mode is set to Program but with other settings it may mean the camera is faulty. If it is unreliable then there may be a problem with the USB cabling or the USB port on the computer.