View Full Version : Camera Suggestion

March 24th, 2010, 06:42 PM
Okay... I am not very technical on all this photography lingo so I need some help please. I have 1 booth built and am building 3 more. However Canon has discontinued the g10 as we are all aware of. So I need to know what camera to buy now. I am using an alien bee flash with a hotshoe to pc adapter which seems to work great and want to continue. I use the sony upcx1 which is also great. I really need to know what camera will give me the same results or better that I have now. Can anyone please help?

Chris Breeze
March 25th, 2010, 08:37 AM
One option is to try to find G10 cameras either as old stock (Amazon UK are still listing the G10) or second hand via ebay.
Canon stopped providing remote capture capability after the G10 and no current PowerShot models support it. This means the only option is to switch to a Canon or Nikon DSLR and use DSLR Remote Pro for Windows (Canon DSLRs) or NKRemote (Nikon DSLRs).

April 14th, 2010, 11:34 AM
Hi Chris, I have pretty much based my business, and the unique constrution of my booth around the G10, being slim small, and highquality, and with a hot shoe. Is there another compact option, or is it DSLR only? I do understand I could try and buy up as many G10s as possible. Hmmmmm.

Advice appreciated.

Chris Breeze
April 15th, 2010, 09:47 AM
Sorry, AFAIK there are no other alternatives other than older PowerShot models or current DSLRs.