View Full Version : PSRemote and Canon S5IS - doesn't remember aperture value

May 30th, 2010, 05:43 AM
Hey there,

I'm using PSRemote with the Canon S5IS camera.

All is working pretty well, I must say - love it. However, PSRemote doesn't appear to entirely remember my last camera settings: It remembers I want Manual mode and my shutter speed at 1/250, but the aperture is set to f4.0 every single time, and I want an aperture of f5.0.

I could put this down to the 'default' for PSRemote, however I noticed when I used the old Canon IXUS110 that it appeared to remember and use the correct aperture setting (which from memory was f5.6), but it doesn't appear to for this camera.

Am I missing something here? Is there a specific way to make this work, or is this a bug?


Chris Breeze
June 1st, 2010, 09:57 AM
I suspect what is happening is when the camera connects the zoom is at the wide setting and f/5.0 is not one of the available apertures. f/5.0 is probably only available as the widest aperture at certain zoom settings.

So probably what happens is PSRemote connects to the camera tries to set the aperture to f/5.0 but fails because it is not available and then zooms the lens. If you set the aperture f/5.6 (an aperture which is available at all zoom settings) it should work.

June 6th, 2010, 01:43 AM

I understand what you're saying completely, but interestingly out of the 8 or so possible apertures (from 2.7 through to 8) only 2.7 and 4 appear to be supported like this.

Anything other than these two briefly appears to be selected, then it defaults to 4.

Even 5.6 - as suggested - doesn't work.

I've tried the same tests with a few different focal lengths also and didn't observe any particular focal length that seemed to magically work with 5.0 or 5.6 or anything other than 2.7 or 4.0.

June 10th, 2010, 04:03 AM
OK, I got around this by using the provided PSRemoteTest application - I wrote a .BAT file to launch PSRemote and then ping it with an aperture value (-a 6) which actually seems to work pretty well.

September 3rd, 2010, 10:42 PM
I too want to do the same thing as I have some new people working the booths who seem to struggle the simple concept of checking the AV value or resetting it if they have to restart the program for any reason!

I have had a look at the help files about PSRemoteTest and I know nothing about .bat files (i'm a mac guy) so can't fathom what I am meant to write in the .bat file to get PSRemote to automatically start with a fixed aperture value that works for the flashes I am using (f6.3 in this case). When ever the program is started the AV value is always the widest for the camera (for our S5IS it's f4) where all the other settings (shutter speed, white balance etc) remain the same each time as to how they have been left.

Could someone please be as kind as to write out what i need to type to create a .bat file for this?

Many thanks in advance

September 6th, 2010, 05:59 AM
... if I remember tonight I'll post something. Get back to you.

September 16th, 2010, 09:40 AM
Could someone please be as kind as to write out what i need to type to create a .bat file for this?

Here's a start.

1) Loads PhotoboothBtn

2) Loads PSRemote

3 & 4) Waits until PSRemote is running and a Camera is connected

5) fires off a PSRemote test with very specific values (-e, -s, -a, etc). Try these, play around with them and see what happens.

set PhotoboothBtn="C:\Program Files (x86)\BreezeSys\PSRemote\PhotoboothBtn.exe"
start %PhotoboothBtn% /B %PhotoboothBtn%
ping -n 2 ::1 >nul 2>&1

set PSRemote="C:\Program Files (x86)\BreezeSys\PSRemote\PSRemote.exe"
start %PSRemote% /B %PSRemote%
ping -n 10 ::1 >nul 2>&1

set PSRemoteTest="C:\Program Files (x86)\BreezeSys\PSRemote\PSRemoteTest\PSRemoteTest .exe"
echo :PSRemoteTest1
echo %PSRemoteTest% | findstr "PSRemote is not running" >nul 2>&1
echo IF NOT errorlevel 1 goto PSRemoteTest1

%PSRemoteTest% | findstr "Camera is not connected" >nul 2>&1
IF NOT errorlevel 1 goto PSRemoteTest2

start %PSRemoteTest% /B %PSRemoteTest% -e 3 -s 36 -a 6 -I 0 -Q 9 -W 6 -n