View Full Version : What I want for Christmas

April 8th, 2005, 04:13 AM
I often shoot large events. (concerts) with many bands and sometimes I accumulate a large amount of files.

Often times on site I will download them to my laptop that has a cd burner but not a dvd burner.

I do have a dvd burner on my home machine that this would be a nice feature as well.

What I would like to be able to do is download the files and have a new directory started based on capacity.

Lets say at 650 mb for a cd or 4.25 mb for a dvd. That way I dont have to sort them out before burning them. I could just select that folder and burn it.

Then I would really feel safe clearing the cards and re using them. I have an image tank but the reliability factor on that is scary.

Maybe this already can be done and if it can and I didnt see it in the documentation I will say I am sorry now and get it over with.

Thank You


Chris Breeze
April 11th, 2005, 01:31 PM
It's something I have been thinking about. Unfortunately it is very tricky to do this and still have DLPro keep track of whether an image has already been downloaded.

April 12th, 2005, 11:57 PM
Ok how about a second operation that you could select folders and have them divided into seperate folders such as project1-1 for project number and folder number-1 and number-2 or some other scheme.
that way after i proof them if I have to resize them for a disk i can do that as well?
Either that or is there a burning program that will span a large folder on to two disks?
I am using nero and it tells me that I have to put in a larger capacity disk.
is there a switch that I need to change to allow nero to span more than one disk?
(i am just throwing out ideas, thinking outside the box, "more than one way to skin a cat type thing")


Chris Breeze
April 14th, 2005, 10:31 AM
Most backup packages should be able to backup to CD/DVD and span disks. It might be the simplest solution.

April 14th, 2005, 02:19 PM
Don't know if Chris is happy for me to list other products, I guess he can always delete this post if not.

I've been trialling a product specifically for this it works well. The trial will only burn the first disc of a dataset that needs to be spanned, but they suggest using the trial to check your hardware works correctly with thier software.

I'm not affiliated with this firm.

Address follows:
