View Full Version : Feature Request - Spell Check

January 20th, 2005, 03:37 AM
Hi Chris,

Would you consider adding a spell check feature to BB Pro? I like Photo Mechanics inline spell checker that highlights mis-spelt words in red. I believe it is from Winter Tree. Otherwise the one in FotoStation Pro 5 is OK, you just have to remember to use it. FotoWare use the spell checker from MS Word.


-- Robert.

BTW Since changing to the Nikon D70 I haven't had any issues with NEFs captioned in Breeze Browser. Nikon View appears happy.

Chris Breeze
January 20th, 2005, 08:27 AM
It is something I would consider for a future release. I need to add a spell checker in another project and should be able to use the same techniques in BBPro. I don't like the idea of using the dictionary from MS Word because not everybody has Word (I only have it on a few of my PCs).