View Full Version : Using Breezebrowser to easily email photos to a client?

January 22nd, 2011, 05:34 PM
I want to hook a 2nd PC up to my main PB PC & let customers browse the PB strips & be able to select a strip & enter in their email address. Outlook saves the unsent emails so that when I get home I just hook up PB PC to the internet & hit the "send/receive" command and the program will send all the messages.

Breeze browser can do this but the interface is not customer friendly. If the client double clicks on an image then the image gets blown up to full screen. AND ALMOST always the customer will click the RED BOX and NOT the THUMBNAIL button causing the program to close. I know from trying to do events with BB that this happens and it very annoying. Also BB has that size configuration screens to it which is gonna make most people ask what the heck?. It's my suggestion that perhaps Chris address these issues so the program is more suitable for a self service kiosk email platform. Maybe even the ability to preprogram an email message to come up like
"thanks for using ABC photobooth company" "friend us on facebook" etc. So every email is an advertisement.

A different image browser called Thumbs Plus is a little more user friendly because it opens up a Second window with an enlarged strip when people double click on an image.

So I have written a custom AHK script that automatically attaches the image to an outlook email message for either breezebrowser or thumbsplus. A big GUI on the top tells people to select the strip they want emailed and then to click THERE to email it to themselves. Pretty rudimentary, but I think practical.

I will be testing it out in the future to see how to make it more idiot proof.

Unless you also install a kiosk type monitoring program I'm sure some nerdy teenager will want to close the program and browse files on the machine, but hopefully the operator will keep a watch on the second PC and prevent that.

If there are other features people would like to see in this script please let me know.

January 23rd, 2011, 03:06 PM

free sms picture messages.

Having a cell ph# would be valuable for text based advertising.

January 23rd, 2011, 04:12 PM
able slide show uses default email client.

fast stone image viewer which allows cool frames and drop shadows to be added to photos

zoner photo studio 12 free which automatically fills in subject and email body, with their own ads, kind of annoying, but usefull if they ever allow users to input this stuff.
http://free.zoner.com/support.asp is their support web page you can send this request to them.

picassa which also has a facebook uploader
has anyone tried this?

of course the issue is most of these photo organizers do not allow for very big thumbnail images which makes the KISS factor harder as clietns will start wanting to double click on images to see them bigger, slow down the line etc.

there are probably over 40 photo viewing programs out there, check yours out and post what you find out here.

January 23rd, 2011, 04:27 PM
picassa and facebook not a good combo at events
because after one person logs into their facebook account the next person would have to exit out and log in a gain. Might cause a lot of disgruntled customers if other customers are accidentally uploading strips to others accounts?

January 23rd, 2011, 04:36 PM
thumbs plus seems to be the most user friendly app for this purpose.


I'd encourage people to write them and ask them for facebook integration like picassa.