View Full Version : Willing to Pay if you can help!

March 23rd, 2011, 03:34 AM
Hey guys I am willing to send someone $20 if they can just point me out why my Third Gui isn't showing up and how the script tells the order of Gui's.

; set this to 1 to hide the cursor when the options screen is displayed
HideCursor = 0

; add a path variable
booth=C:\Program Files (x86)\BreezeSys\PSRemote\1PhotoboothImages

; define the options screen
Gui, Color, 0
Gui, -Caption -Border +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Font, s48, Arial
Gui, Add, Picture,, %booth%/999.jpg
Gui, Add, picture, x200 y220 w400 h450 gphotoClicked, %booth%/camera.jpg
Gui, Add, picture, x700 y220 w400 h450 gvideoClicked, %booth%/video.jpg
Gui, Font, norm

Gui, 2:Color, 0
Gui, 2:-Caption -Border +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, 2:Font, s48, Arial
Gui, 2:Add, Picture,, %booth%/999.jpg
Gui, 2:Add, picture, x100 y220 w300 h450 goneClicked, %booth%/Onepose.jpg
Gui, 2:Add, picture, x450 y220 w300 h450 gthreeClicked, %booth%/three poses.jpg
Gui, 2:Add, picture, x800 y220 w300 h450 gfourClicked, %booth%/fourposes.jpg
Gui, 2:Font, norm

Gui, 3:Color, 0
Gui, 3:-Caption -Border +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, 3:Font, s48, Arial
Gui, 3:Add, Picture,, %booth%/999.jpg
Gui, 3:Add, picture, x100 y220 w300 h450 gbwClicked, %booth%/bw.jpg
Gui, 3:Add, picture, x800 y220 w300 h450 gcolorClicked, %booth%/color.jpg
Gui, 3:Font, norm

; loop forever monitoring the status of the photobooth screen
Ready = 0 ; 0 tells script to display options screen if ready.jpg screen is displayed
IfWinExist, Breeze Systems Photobooth
WinGetTitle, Title, Breeze Systems Photobooth
if Title contains ready.jpg
if Ready = 0
Ready = 1
else if Title contains processing.jpg
Ready = 0 ; start looking for ready.jpg screen
Ready = 0
Sleep 100 ; sleep for 1/10th sec to avoid hogging the processor


; Ctlr+Q shows the options screen if ready.jpg is being displayed
Ready = 0

WinActivate, Breeze Systems Photobooth
Send ^p
HideOverlayWindow(250) ; give the photobooth time to switch profiles before hiding the options screen

WinActivate, Breeze Systems Photobooth
Send ^v
HideOverlayWindow(250) ; give the photobooth time to switch profiles before hiding the options screen

WinActivate, Breeze Systems Photobooth
Send +^1
HideOverlayWindow(250) ; give the photobooth time to switch profiles before hiding the options screen

WinActivate, Breeze Systems Photobooth
Send +^2
HideOverlayWindow(250) ; give the photobooth time to switch profiles before hiding the options screen

WinActivate, Breeze Systems Photobooth
Send +^3
HideOverlayWindow(250) ; give the photobooth time to switch profiles before hiding the options screen

WinActivate, Breeze Systems Photobooth
Send ^b
HideOverlayWindow(250) ; give the photobooth time to switch profiles before hiding the options screen

WinActivate, Breeze Systems Photobooth
Send ^c
HideOverlayWindow(250) ; give the photobooth time to switch profiles before hiding the options screen

; show the overlay window and optionally hide the mouse cursor
global HideCursor
Gui, Show, Maximize
Gui, 2:Show, Maximize
Gui, 3:Show, Maximize
if HideCursor > 0
Run, nomousy.exe /hide

; hide the overlay window with optional delay
global HideCursor
WinActivate, Breeze Systems Photobooth
if delay > 0
Sleep delay
Gui, Hide
Gui, 2:Hide
Gui, 3:Hide
if HideCursor > 0
Run, nomousy.exe

March 23rd, 2011, 05:11 AM
if you would just test the code and give a coherant description of what the issue is I'm sure the people could help you for free. many have already tried. but they dont' use photobooth software and you are throwing them something they dont' understand.

Seriously you go through the trouble of making a youtube video, but there is no audio, or indication of what the issue is? u don't even explain what you are trying to do?

My car's making a noise can you tell me what's wrong with it? That is the kind of question you are asking.

start off by using a screen recording program like camtasia pro, 3o day free trial and giving a clear description of all the known variables and what you have tried so far.

March 23rd, 2011, 06:18 AM
Jfreeman1412 says:

Hey guys I am willing to send someone $20 if they can just point me out why my Third Gui isn't showing up and how the script tells the order of Gui's.

I thought I had it laid out pretty clear, and I think I am pretty close to having this completed. I'm sorry I am just trying to learn and accomplish this. So I have every thing working except I can't see my second GUI.

So once again I'm sorry I wasn't just born with this knowledge. So Again can someone please point out why the GUI: 2 Doesn't show up?

Coherent description= My second GUI is not appearing.

Seriously you go through the trouble of making a youtube video, but there is no audio, or indication of what the issue is? u don't even explain what you are trying to do?

The point of that video was to show them the Gui's.

many have already tried. but they dont' use photobooth software and you are throwing them something they dont' understand.

Thanks for caring.....Just looking for a little help.....God forbid you ever needed any of that.

March 23rd, 2011, 04:22 PM
no disrespect intended, but maybe you shoudl show some of your computer literate friends your question and see if they understand what you are trying to do.

you might want to start off with a few simple sentences like I am running a photobooth program that uses ahk scripts. I want the program to do this on gui A, this on gui B and this on gui C. once the user presses the button......... blah blah blah.

frankly there are many helpful people on the ahk forum and you've seemed to annoy them as well with your assumptions that they can figgure out your situation.

You think your question is easy to follow, the problem is that it is not for people that have never used a pb program.

March 23rd, 2011, 04:38 PM
I understand However I do not need any help with the commands! I just need to know why GUI 2: isn't showing up? All the commands are good to go. It seems pretty simple deal. Why dosen't my GUI 2: show up?

Can I ask what compels you to follow my threads in the AHK forum?

And by the way can you help with why my GUI 2: dosen't show up or not?

March 23rd, 2011, 06:02 PM
I could help you but I'd want a lot more than $20 to figgure out what it is you are trying to do. like I said before I'm sure there are people that will do it for free, if you only took the time to explain and possibly make a video of what is happening. Until then I wouldn't expect many people to spend a half hour to an hour trying to figgure out what you want for $20

March 23rd, 2011, 08:00 PM
With All due respect....I just want to know why MY gui 2: isn't showing up!

If you want to know what the script is for, it is an options screen where the first GUI the users choose photo or video booth, the second GUI the users choose 1,3, or 4 poses. And the Third GUI the users choose color of bw photos. However if they choose video booth it hides GUI's 2 and 3 and goes right to the Video_ready screen. Is this what you wanted? In all I just would like to know why my GUI 2: isn't showing up!

March 23rd, 2011, 09:58 PM
I am not an AHK person but I did look at your code. I may be way off base, but I will ask ...

Could the problem have anything to do with the fact that GUI 3 is preceded by GUI 2 but GUI 2 is NOT preceded by GUI 1. In your script there is NO number designation for the first GUI, so is it being read as GUI 0 or GUI 1. If it is being read as GUI 0, perhaps, since there is no GUI 1, it doesn't advance.

Just asking ...:confused:

March 24th, 2011, 01:24 AM
Thanks Qapla but that was not it. I did get it though. It ended up being this:

tooltip gui # %A_Gui%
gui, %A_Gui%:hide
; Gui, 1:Hide
; Gui, 2:Hide
; Gui, 3:Hide
if HideCursor > 0