View Full Version : delete button confirmation

April 29th, 2005, 09:40 AM
Its funny, but on most software that has a delete button that then pops up an 'are you sure' dialog I usuall want it removed, or an option not to have it.

However, with the download and the delete buttons right next to each other, I think either having the option to have a confirm dialog or even an option to remove the delete button would be good.

Any chance?

May 4th, 2005, 01:28 PM
like my 84yo mother. It ought to be more difficult to delete files off the card. I NEVER write to my camera media cards from my computer. I have separate cards for that purpose. But that's just me. There should at least be an "are you sure" box to avoid mistakes.

Chris Breeze
May 5th, 2005, 08:22 AM
DLPro will only delete the images from the card if they have been downloaded successfully. I think a delete confirmation dialog would be more annoying than useful.
(You can select a group of images and try to delete them without downloading in which case DLPro will display a confirmation dialog.)