View Full Version : Using DSLR for Photos and Webcam for Video - How easy is it?

February 26th, 2012, 04:26 AM
I currently use a Canon T2i for both photos and video in my photo booth. Photos work great but randomly after a video is recorded (as I posted in an earlier post) the program freezes on the "video processing" screen. It was suggested it may be due to the camera overheating. However, during my last gig, the program froze while testing the system BEFORE any guests had even used the booth. So after this occurrence, I'm not convinced that it may be due to overheating. Not sure of what other things may cause this.

Reading through other threads I came across a post by Chris where he mentioned that a DSRL can be used for the photos and webcam for the video, using both the DSLR Pro and Webcam booth software.
So my question is: How easy is this to implement, has anyone done this, and more importantly HOW??

Just for reference, my current setup includes having the user start a sequence by choosing from one of three buttons (color, b/w photo OR video). I also use a touch screen which the user can use to stop the video.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all.

Jose G

February 26th, 2012, 11:57 AM
The error you are getting is probably because your SD card is full, or you are not using a high enough series. Always best using a new series 10 SD card.

Chris Breeze
February 27th, 2012, 10:42 AM
There is an AutoHotKey script called photobooth_video_switch.ahk on this page which is designed to switch between the two: