View Full Version : Increase time "Live View" shuts off before photo is taken (release.jpg or taking.jpg)

Ben Miller
April 12th, 2012, 07:38 PM
In older version of the software there was a 1-2 second delay from the time that live view shut off until the photo was taken.

I had a "TAKING.JPG" file that said "LOOK DOWN AT CAMERA!!" Which worked really well.

Now it almost immediately takes the photo after the live view shuts off. I'd really like to be able to go to the taking/release.jpg photo for a few seconds before the photo snaps.

If anyone has a work around on this, I'd really appreciate it.


Chris Breeze
April 13th, 2012, 11:11 AM
Which software are you using please?

Ben Miller
April 16th, 2012, 02:05 PM
Hi Chris,

Sorry to not respond sooner... I'm not getting e-mail notifications for some reason.

I initially started with Breeze Software about 2 years ago. That version of the software seemed to allow a longer time.

I recently (within the last month) upgraded to the newest version available. It was when I upgraded that the live view time shuts off at the same time the photo is being taken.


April 16th, 2012, 02:15 PM
You didn't answer his question.
specifically he wants to know if you are using
nkremote OR
webcam remote.


April 17th, 2012, 06:29 PM
The option:

Disable live view when taking photo

With the option selected or deselected it seems to make no difference.
The live view just freezes for a few moments while the photo is taken and then resumes as normal.

What should it actually do..?

DSLR Remote Pro Ver 2.4

Chris Breeze
April 18th, 2012, 10:57 AM
The cameras stops sending live view images when it is taking the picture. If you use a release.jpg screen it will replace the last live view image so that you don't get a frozen image left on the screen for a couple of seconds. The disable live view when taking picture option disables live view and then takes the picture. This is useful if you want to use the camera's normal AF system to auto focus before each photo - but this is risky because if the camera can't focus it won't take the picture.

Ben Miller
April 18th, 2012, 05:02 PM
You didn't answer his question.
specifically he wants to know if you are using

Sorry, I didn't know there were multiple software options for the photobooth.

I'm using DSLR Remote Pro for Windows.

What I would LIKE for it to do is go to the "release.jpg" image for 1-2 seconds (without live view) BEFORE it takes the photo. My release.jpg say s "LOOK DOWN!!"

Hopefully that makes sense.

Chris Breeze
April 19th, 2012, 11:18 AM
The taking.jpg is displayed approximately 1 sec before the command to take the picture is sent to the camera. If a release.jpg image is defined this displayed as the command to take the picture is sent to the camera and will fill the screen. The time it takes for the camera to actually take the photo will depend on the settings. If the lens is set to manual focus there will be very little delay. If the lens is set to AF and you're using the "external flash" or "disable live view when taking photo" options the camera will attempt to auto focus which could be very fast or may take a couple of seconds (or it may fail altogether and not take a photo).

April 22nd, 2012, 10:02 PM
I'm wondering if his recent upgrade of DSLR remote pro created this change? I don't think the answer to Ben's question on that has been addressed yet. If so, is it possible to re-vert to the old version and what drawbacks would there be for using an "older" version of a Breeze System product? Thank you.

Chris Breeze
April 23rd, 2012, 10:00 AM
The release.jpg image was added in v1.8 (December 2009) and changed to hide the live view in v1.9 (May 2010).