View Full Version : Hotfolder Prints - Email Text Content Q's

May 15th, 2012, 08:37 AM
Hi All,

As brilliant as it is, Clients always seem to want to put more text in the emails than HFP can handle!

-Am i right in thinking currently we can have up to 7 lines of plain text only?

-Also, When using hyperlinks the full html code appears in the email when it's delivered, Is this something I'm getting wrong or is it something to do with the way HFP works?

-Is it possible to change the size, colour and style of the text in the email?



Chris Breeze
May 16th, 2012, 11:36 AM
The email is sent as plain text not HTML and so you can't use any HTML formatting for font size, color etc. The length of the text is limited by what can be passed in the email_image.exe command.