View Full Version : Stealth Switch Stops Working

May 28th, 2012, 12:37 AM
I have been trying out the software, and am using a Stealth Switch 1. Everything works fine, and has for several sessions.

The symptom was that the switch no longer initiated a camera sequence, and you had to go into the File menu and select Full Screen Photobooth mode and then the switch would start working again.

I tried using ctrl-F4 but it sometimes would allow switch to work, sometimes not.

Ideas? Looks like a great package


Chris Breeze
May 28th, 2012, 11:03 AM
It's possible the photo booth window is losing input focus and isn't receiving the key presses from the StealthSwitch. This could be due to the printer driver displying a status window and grabbing input focus. The photobooth_keys.ahk script on this page should help: