View Full Version : Toning Option?

August 17th, 2012, 11:07 PM
Where is this setting? Can't find it anywhere! Need it now!

August 18th, 2012, 12:25 AM
In photo booth settings select dropdown list next to: print photos in:color,bw, bw(toned).

August 18th, 2012, 07:54 AM
Thanks I am not seeing it for some reason. Hmmm....

August 18th, 2012, 07:55 AM
http://www.breezesys.com/DSLRRemotePro/help/photoboothsettings.gifThis ia what I see. No "print photos".

August 18th, 2012, 08:14 AM

August 18th, 2012, 09:35 PM
Yes I use that dropdown and swithc it to B&W Toned. But now where do you change the tone? Where is the dropdown that has sepia in it?

August 19th, 2012, 06:27 AM
Yes I use that dropdown and swithc it to B&W Toned. But now where do you change the tone? Where is the dropdown that has sepia in it?

There is no sepia setting. When you select toned in the dropdown, 2 new controls should appear. Hue [0-359] and Saturation [0-100]

It's the recipe of those 2 values that creates the tone. That tone could be a sepia tone. I use a HUE setting of 200 and a SATURATION setting of 15 to get a warm tone I like.

May 7th, 2014, 05:06 AM
I am able to produce Color/B&W/Toned in DSLR Remote Pro for Windows, but the Hotfolder Prints program does not appear to include a toned option. From reading this thread, it sounds like there should be a Hue and Saturation setting somewhere in the settings, too. I am not seeing this option. Is it no longer available? I am running the most current version of both programs for a greenscreen photo booth. It would really help to have a toned (sepia) option in Hotfolder Prints.

Thanks for your help,

May 8th, 2014, 05:01 AM
I am able to produce Color/B&W/Toned in DSLR Remote Pro for Windows, but the Hotfolder Prints program does not appear to include a toned option. From reading this thread, it sounds like there should be a Hue and Saturation setting somewhere in the settings, too. I am not seeing this option. Is it no longer available? I am running the most current version of both programs for a greenscreen photo booth. It would really help to have a toned (sepia) option in Hotfolder Prints.

Thanks for your help,

Correct... Hotfolder Prints doesn't offer a toned option. The above was for DSLR Pro and the other booth applications. If you use a Breeze booth app, and use the "Auto color/B&W" mode, it looks like HFP will print a tone. You just can't set it up within HFP.

From Hotfolder Print's Help File...

Use the "Print photos in:" dropdown list to select whether the photos should be printed in color, black and white or "Auto color/B&W". The "Auto color/B&W" option will read the tag in the XML summary file written by Breeze Systems' photo booth software to determine whether to print the photos in color, B&W or B&W (toned). This will default to color if the XML file is not found or it does not contain a tag. "Auto color/B&W" is the recommended when using Hotfolder Prints with our photo booth software as this will ensure Hotfolder Prints processes the JPEGs with the same color/B&W/B&W toning settings as selected in the photo booth software.

Chris Breeze
May 8th, 2014, 08:38 AM
Correct... Hotfolder Prints doesn't offer a toned option. The above was for DSLR Pro and the other booth applications. If you use a Breeze booth app, and use the "Auto color/B&W" mode, it looks like HFP will print a tone. You just can't set it up within HFP.

When you use the "Auto color/B&W mode" HFP reads the settings from the photobooth XML summary file. This is so that you can use the color/B&W/toned settings in the photobooth software and HFP will print the photos using the same settings. It doesn't currently have a manual setting for printing all photos using the toned mode.

May 9th, 2014, 04:50 AM
So, maybe the problem that I am having is that I am not using HFP correctly. I had just been copying the post-edited photos into the monitored directory and letting HFP produce the new print. It sounds like from what you are saying is that I should copy the edited photos along with the XML into the HFP monitored folder, then the software will produce the photo in the same way as DSLR Pro produced the original. Is that essentially correct?


Chris Breeze
May 9th, 2014, 08:43 AM
So, maybe the problem that I am having is that I am not using HFP correctly. I had just been copying the post-edited photos into the monitored directory and letting HFP produce the new print. It sounds like from what you are saying is that I should copy the edited photos along with the XML into the HFP monitored folder, then the software will produce the photo in the same way as DSLR Pro produced the original. Is that essentially correct?


The advantage of monitoring the folder containing the original photos instead of the prints subfolder is that you can use Hotfolder Prints to create a different layout from that produced by the photobooth software. This is useful if you want to create copies of the photos for different uses e.g. for a slideshow or uploading to social media or a website.

May 10th, 2014, 03:01 AM
The advantage of monitoring the folder containing the original photos instead of the prints subfolder is that you can use Hotfolder Prints to create a different layout from that produced by the photobooth software. This is useful if you want to create copies of the photos for different uses e.g. for a slideshow or uploading to social media or a website.

I am mostly using HFP to recreate photos which required some editing. I typically do this before posting the batch to the online gallery or burning a digital copy of the discs for the customer. I edit and cleanup the images and then reproduce the prints using HFP. For this type of purpose is it possible to even edit the XML file in Wordpad and then running HFP to "execute" the edit version of the XML, or am I drastically misunderstanding how the software works? I am familiar with software, but I don't understand how DSLR Pro and HFP are using the XML file and what the limits would be on how I might use that to improve my photo booth. If you have another source where I might learn more about this type of setup, please let me know.


Chris Breeze
May 10th, 2014, 08:51 AM
When our photobooth software saves the photos it also saves an XML file containing information about the photos and output settings (including the color/B&W/toned settings). Hotfolder Prints can be setup to monitor the output folder and read the XML file to get the photo filenames and the output settings. This method of working is more robust than the other option which is to monitor the output folder for JPEG images and to process them when the required number are available because it is reading the filenames from the XML file and there is no risk of Hotfolder Prints getting out of sync with the photobooth.
There is no reason why other applications can't write the XML file provided it is in the same format as the XML files written by our photobooth software, but it would be tedious to create the XML file manually.

May 10th, 2014, 05:27 PM
When our photobooth software saves the photos it also saves an XML file containing information about the photos and output settings (including the color/B&W/toned settings). Hotfolder Prints can be setup to monitor the output folder and read the XML file to get the photo filenames and the output settings. This method of working is more robust than the other option which is to monitor the output folder for JPEG images and to process them when the required number are available because it is reading the filenames from the XML file and there is no risk of Hotfolder Prints getting out of sync with the photobooth.
There is no reason why other applications can't write the XML file provided it is in the same format as the XML files written by our photobooth software, but it would be tedious to create the XML file manually.

The XML file related to a set of 3 photos which I am trying to recreate using HFP contains the following line:


This appears to be toned (sepia) settings, since bw_mode 0 is color and bw_mode 1 is straight black and white. However, when HFP produces the print using this XML file, it comes out straight b/w with no hue and saturation settings. Is HFP not reading the data from the XML correctly? I have prints that were produced correctly using DSLR Pro in a sepia format. I currently have no way to clean them up in Photoshop and then reassemble the sepia version of the print. I thought that was one of the things that HFP was suppose to do. Thanks for your help, as always.


Chris Breeze
May 12th, 2014, 09:26 AM
The tag in the XML sets the mode to 2 for toned (0=color, 1=B&W) e.g.
When Hotfolder Prints processes it you should see a line like:
09:16:35 - Auto color/B&W: BW (toned), hue=200, saturation=40

If you're reprinting after an event you could do this using DSLR Remote Pro e.g. drag and drop the four photos to print into the main DSLR Remote Pro window and then select File->Reprint photos and it will reprint the photos using the current settings.