View Full Version : 4 DSLR Feature Requests

October 30th, 2012, 07:08 PM

Save all of the "setup image editor" settings within photo booth profiles so that different modes of the booth could selectively call one or more different external applications.


In addition, it would be really helpful if an option could be added to the "setup image editor" command line so that the command line operation could be launched hidden or minimized. When I call a batch file currently, the only thing I can do to lessen the distraction of a command box popping up with each photo is to resize it down. This is really not ideal for a professional application.


Add little +/- arrows next to all of the number dialog boxes in the pb settings window. That way, you could change a number in a pinch if you didn't have a keyboard handy for what is otherwise a touchscreen only machine.


Create an optional toolbar that could be shown or hidden which has large (touchscreen friendly) buttons for the following popular options. This is to avoid the hassle of using the edge of a fingernail and some patience to fight through a microscopic menu on a tiny touchscreen.

-Select profile 1,2,3,.... (currently, you have to go into full screen mode to change this)
-Full screen pb mode
-PB settings
-VB settings
-printer settings

A vertical column of buttons down the right side of the screen would accomplish this nicely. This would be much more handy than seeing a giant preview of the last photo taken...most of the time.



Chris Breeze
October 31st, 2012, 02:59 PM
re: #1 and #2
Calling an AutoHotKey script would help here. The script could read the photobooth images folder path from photobooth screen and use this to call a droplet in the photobooth images folder. The AutoHotKey run command has the option to run the process hidden by specifying "hide". You probably need to compile the script so that the editor command can call the .exe. Something like this should do what you need:

IfWinExist, Breeze Systems Photobooth
WinGetTitle, Title, Breeze Systems Photobooth
IfInString, Title, PhotoboothImages_profile_1
run, "D:\PhotoboothImages_profile_1\droplet.exe" "%1%",,HIDE

re: #3 and #4
Have you considered using a mini bluetooth keyboard for configuring the booth at an event? This would make it much easier to adjust settings than trying to do it all through a small touchscreen.

November 11th, 2012, 03:43 PM
Thanks Chris for sharing this. I tried your script in the last post and it would not keep Photoshop hidden while running the droplet. Are there any other tools in the AHK toolbox that could help? In theory, Photoshop doesn't need to be minimized as long as it just stays behind the full screen interface.

Chris Breeze
November 12th, 2012, 09:30 AM
Sorry, I'm not a Photoshop expert. You could try using two monitors and arranging it so that Photoshop appears on one monitor and the photobooth on the other.

November 20th, 2012, 06:02 AM
If you're using two monitors and one of them is a touchscreen, this wont work. Touchscreens don't seem to work with extended displays, only as the main display duplicated.

I realize though that this isn't a Breeze software issue.

So far I haven't found a solution.

Chris Breeze
November 20th, 2012, 09:11 AM
My main desktop PC has two displays one of which has a touchscreen display and it works fine. You just need to make sure the touchscreen is the primary screen with the origin (0,0) in its top left corner.