View Full Version : Batch Rename Tokens DL pro vs BB Pro

July 15th, 2005, 10:00 AM
I am new to BB. Can anyone tell me why DL Pro and BB Pro have a different set of tokens for the batch rename facilities. Having got my head around it and chosen a naming system in DL Pro I don't seem to be able to duplicate the same system in BB Pro.
DL Pro File name: %d%T8%N2
BB Pro equivalent: ????
Any suggestions?


Chris Breeze
July 18th, 2005, 08:08 AM
BreezeBrowser has different renaming requirements and can access more of the shooting data whereas Downloader Pro tends to concentrate on the date and time, camera model and main shooting parameters. The BreezeBrowser batch renaming was implemented some time before DLPro was written and I've tried to make them as consistent as possible but it isn't possible to make them identical.

%d is the same in BB and DLPro
%T8 uses DLPro's camera mapping and there is no equivalent in BB. You can use %T in BBPro to extract the camera model name but it isn't as flexible as DLPro's camera mapping
The nearest equivalent for %N in BBPro is %n

July 18th, 2005, 09:08 AM
Thanks Chris.
Just some thoughts on the subject that you might want to consider.
I would use DL for all of my re-naming if it could re-name in situ. i.e. if I select a set of files in a directory for re-naming BB will allow me to rename. DL will not. I accept that I am trying to use DL for something that it wasn't designed for and possibly something inherently dangerous.
I just feel that it's a shame that I can't stick with the same file naming styles between BB and DL. If I do some elimination of images in BB after downloading I cannot re-name in the same style to remove gaps in the sequence.
Having said all of that I'm probably being a bit "pernickity" and I'll undersand if you don't want to make any changes. I'm sure that you've got enough other problems to solve without taking on new facilities.


Chris Breeze
July 19th, 2005, 09:15 AM
You can use DLPro to "download" and rename images already on your hard disk by selecting "Open source directory" from the File menu. If you do this you will need to rename the source directory first so that DLPro can download the files again. You do need to be careful with files that have been edited though because the shooting data may not be available any more e.g. many image editors corrupt or discard the EXIF MakerNote which contains much of the camera specific shooting data (e.g. camera serial number for Canon EOS cameras).