View Full Version : DL Pro with Nikon D50

July 20th, 2005, 09:14 AM
I tried the trail version of Downloader pro with my new Nikon d50. It seems to be working OK, but after connecting the camera the second time, I get a "different size" message for the already downloaded files.

Any thoughts why?


Chris Breeze
July 21st, 2005, 07:29 AM
Please check your camera is set to continuous image numbering otherwise it will start from 0001 every time a blank card is loaded. This will result in new images having the same numbers as previously downloaded images which gives the "size different" error in DLPro. Alternatively you could change the download filenames in DLPro to include the time the picture was taken e.g. use %t_%o

July 23rd, 2005, 11:07 AM
Camera is set to continuous numbering but i still get "different size".

Any other thoughts?

July 23rd, 2005, 05:04 PM
Camera is set to continuous numbering but i still get "different size".

Evert, are you re-downloading the same card - download the card for a second time? If so, and DLPro is rotating portrait images based on indicators in the EXIF data (If the D50 sets the orientation flag), the images will be slightly different in size. This will also happen if you are having DL Pro add IPTC information to the images when downloading.

If this is the case then you need to go into Preferences, on the second tab, and tell it to ignore filesize when matching images.

Chris Breeze
July 25th, 2005, 11:31 AM
Please check how you've set the download filenames. You will only get the "different size" message if there is already a file of the same name in the download directory. This means that either you are trying to download images from the same card twice or they are different images in which case you may need to change the filename settings in DLPro to avoid duplicate filenames. The default setting of %o is fine if your camera uses continuous numbering. You could set it to %d%t_%o which will prefix the date and time to the filename to ensure that each image filename is different.