View Full Version : DLP not always launching automatically

October 15th, 2005, 11:22 PM
Chris, et al,

I've been using DLP for quite a while now, and really like how it works. The only inconvenience I've run into is that it doesn't always startup when I insert a card. Now, I'm sure it's probably a Windows related issue, but I'm not sure how to troubleshoot it.

Sometimes I get the Windows dialog that asks what do I want to do (ex: Open Explorer to browse pictures, Print Pictures with MS Fax/Picture Viewer, etc.)

Other times, nothing at all happens.

I have a USB multi-format card reader that stays attached to my desktop all the time.

Anytime I browse cards with BBPro, Windows Explorer, or just refresh with DLP, the right pictures are there, so I know Windows is seeing the card okay.

Any thoughts?

-- Mitch

P.S. Yes, I've used both Register for Auto-Play and Camera events.

Chris Breeze
October 17th, 2005, 10:01 AM
It's possible it is a Windows problem or it may be due to other apps trying to get in there first. You could try running the Windows Autoplay repair wizard which can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=c680a7b6-e8fa-45c4-a171-1b389cfacdad&displaylang=en

November 6th, 2005, 12:09 PM
I tried the suggestion of running MS Autofix.exe to reset the autoplay function for my compact flash card reader. Now, when I insert a card I'm presented with the WinXP menu to select an application to start. Downloader Pro is not listed as an option.

I have to manually start DLP in order to download images. I think that this function stopped working after upgrading from the previous version of DLP.

Any other suggestions?

Bud James

Chris Breeze
November 7th, 2005, 07:48 AM
There's nothing DLPro can do if Windows XP AutoPlay is not working properly. If you select "Register for AutoPlay events" from the Events menu in DLPro it should be listed by Windows AutoPlay when you insert a card containing images in your card reader. Some photo editing apps bypass AutoPlay and can interfere with it.