View Full Version : renaming images without ".jpg" ?!?

October 28th, 2005, 09:31 AM
i'm renaming images and i don't want the ".jpg" !

i'm creating an HTML page using the "Order" template where a name of each image is shown and i think it's annoying to have the .jpg after every image - is there anyway i can name the images without that file type display?!?

Chris Breeze
October 28th, 2005, 10:47 AM
The images have to have a .jpg extension otherwise Windows and webservers will not know how to handle them. You can use the token @fileNoExt@ if you wish to display the filename without the .jpg file extension in the web pages.

October 28th, 2005, 09:30 PM
hi chris -

where do i put that token? somewhere in my "order" template?

Chris Breeze
October 31st, 2005, 12:53 PM
Yes. This should be relatively easy to do using a text editor and replacing @file@ with @fileNoExt@. It's a good idea to make a copy of the template files before making any changes in case you make a mistake.