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  1. Does "main" view display raw or the embedded jpeg?
  2. EXIF Copy: feature request
  3. what size laptop for BBPro?
  4. Converting Canon G3 Raw files - problem
  5. Slow development of BreezeBrowser Pro
  6. Help! Sorting by time
  7. Feature request: Canon RAW recipies
  8. RAW File conversion with odd color bands
  9. Recover old settings etc. after reinstall?
  10. What I still miss in BBPro...
  11. Modified drop shadow template
  12. Feature Request: EXIF/IPTC Export to .TXT
  13. Feature Request: Token for renaming from Dir
  14. Canon PowerShot G9 Access violation after Proof
  15. crash woes
  16. slide show extra
  17. Exif ?
  18. Folder number sequence
  19. No preview with Linear
  20. Proof command giving incorrect results
  21. BBpro error message
  22. How can I tidy-up my muddled photo collection?
  23. major wart: rename tokens aren't the same as DL Pro
  24. Support for Olympus E-510?
  25. Editing question
  26. Need help with Simple Viewer
  27. Adobe RGB raw files look too contrasty
  28. Web Gallery and file name display question
  29. HTML Generation - Own Template
  30. BreezeBrowser Pro v1.9 beta 1 released
  31. Altitude when Geo-Tagging from Google Earth?
  32. GPS data in .psd (Photoshop) file not dispalyed in Adobe Bridge
  33. Vista Makes BBPro 1.7.2 Die
  34. Feature request: show image stabilization info
  35. Highlights in RAW Convertor
  36. Need color management help
  37. BreezeBrowser Pro v1.9 beta 2 released
  38. Lost 'Full Details' and Properties
  39. Remembering iptc data input field?
  40. Convert raw not using crop settings
  41. BBPro feature request: Select by part of filename & Del JPG (from HTML) when changed
  42. Feature Request for IPTC editing
  43. HTML Generation - adding images
  44. Feature Request: "Create Folders/Shortcuts from Keywords"
  45. renmaing function. replace spaces with _
  46. Feature request: Jump to source image
  47. horrible color cast with raw conversion
  48. HTML by email?
  49. proofs tool creates invalid JPEG with some Nikon D60 photos
  50. Feature requests: drag and drop, ...
  51. client response gallery
  52. Geo-Tagging jpgs?
  53. Canon DPP looses the owner string when converting to TIFF
  54. black is not black in BBP 1.8.1
  55. Importing into Lightroom from BBPro
  56. IMage counter
  57. the future of the canon sdk
  58. I like bits of BBPro
  59. Can't get lightness to "stick"
  60. BBPro v ACR Raw conversion
  61. D700 copyright data not shown in "Edit IPTC/XMP"
  62. Looking up Name Places in Breeze Browser
  63. Template for 3 strips - one per camera angle
  64. Clearing gps location data
  65. David Reicks CVKC and BB Pro 1.8.1
  66. Support for Panasonic LX3?
  67. Do I HAVE to convert RAW file to see it big?
  68. BBPro v ACR
  69. HTML not converting to sRGB...
  70. Is Canon 50D support planned soon?
  71. file naming - images shot on different days
  72. Finding correct font name
  73. BBPro 1.9b2 Geo-Tagging
  74. Main Image size
  75. jpg from .dng file
  76. Lightroom embedded jpg missing (dng-files)
  77. BBPro does E-510 RAWs
  78. Canon G10 support?
  79. crash to desktop when opening folder
  80. BreezeBrowser Pro 1.9.0 Access Violation
  81. BB Pro and Lightroom; any thoughts on workflow?
  82. BreezeBrowserPro as Trojan Horse by Norton
  83. I need help modifying a template
  84. Feature requests: identifying RAW conversions using suffixes
  85. Geocoding bug?
  86. Mac Pro complaint??
  87. Feature Request: modified print options
  88. Batch file moving to cs4
  89. Help & Advice on Best Workflow for RAW on 50D until full version support
  90. BBPro unable to read XMP files after using IdImager?
  91. BBP hang on opening - HELP please
  92. BB Pro crashing on Vista laptop
  93. Font Loss?
  94. Feature Request - Lightroom v1.2
  95. RAW file conversion question
  96. BreezeBrowser Pro v1.9.1 alpha 1 - 50D raw conversion...
  97. Image Comparison Compare 2, 3 or 4 high quality
  98. Is option to save RAW parameters removed?
  99. Captions on Thumbnail pages
  100. Paypal discount codes
  101. Minor bug in BBPro 1.9.1
  102. possible minor bug in bbpro 1.9.1
  103. Problem on printing
  104. Breezebrowser Pro and 64 bit Vista
  105. Feature Request: LX3 RAW conversion support
  106. D700 NEFS and BBPv1.8 and v1.9
  107. Feature appreciation: EXIF Import
  108. Is there a way to have BBPro monitor a folder for new files?
  109. Autorun on device connection
  110. 1.9.1 not displaying raw files
  111. Feature Request: Sorting key words
  112. Feature Request: Paste tagged file list.
  113. Feature request: GPS direction
  114. Extracting Jpegs within Raw, 50D Canon, as-shot
  115. Proofing with slideshow frames
  116. Color of caption of thumbnails
  117. Hyperlink Image in HTML Gallerys?
  118. 1.9.2 crashing with G10 RAW
  119. Breeze Browser vs CS4 Color Space
  120. Print w/File Name?
  121. Overall directory-folder-file coding, BBDownloader to BB Pro to ...
  122. 1.9.2 won't convert to Adobe RGB
  123. Pictures for HTML web pages without resizing, sharpening and converting
  124. bbpro not displaying copyright info from canon raw files
  125. Regnenerating HTML - ? rewriting .htm for existing images
  126. Sony Alpha 350
  127. 1.9.2 crashing when attempting to convert Canon 5D MKII raw files
  128. Deleted images from LR appearing in BB
  129. Preventing crashes with corrupt images
  130. Randomize order for renaming/slideshow?
  131. Hnadling 50D raw, sraw sraw2 files in W2k OS w BBPro
  132. html generation w/piclens
  133. Drag & Drop
  134. Feature Request: Auto Rotate JPEGs for linked RAW/JPEG images
  135. Help Resizing Images - URGENT !
  136. IPTC problems
  137. Question about thumbnails in Breeze Browser Pro
  138. colr temp not displayed in EXIF
  139. PT lens not applying corrections during proofing
  140. exif_read_data problem after working with BB Pro 1.92
  141. Copy Geo-Tag Only From...
  142. Proofing DNG to JPG problem
  143. BreezeBrowser Pro v1.9.3
  144. Batch exporting IPTC
  145. Problem with "View actual image"
  146. Keywords between BBP & Lightroom
  147. Feature Request: Just show taggeg/ranked images
  148. PayPal: Porto for every Order possible?
  149. What does make JPG + RAW files linked?
  150. File|shortcut ... command
  151. Image Properties> Exif Data window
  152. BBP 1.93: Error while unpacking, code E2...
  153. BBP 1.93 - Thanks!
  154. Feature Request -- sort or filter by keyword
  155. Focus Point Overlay too big
  156. I caused this but....
  157. Feature Request: Right Mouse Double Clicking
  158. Numbering Error
  159. Feature request: customizeable shortcuts
  160. BBP 1.9.3 freezes when selecting settings for PTlens
  161. resolution change resizing image
  162. BBP 1.9.3 Slow when writing to IPTC
  163. Search functionality in HTML Galleries
  164. painfully slow when viewing folder of jpegs
  165. Protecting images
  166. Changes from 1.71 to 1.93?
  167. preview during update from DslrRemote
  168. JPEG comments
  169. Panasonic RW2 support?
  170. Cant' edit template
  171. 1Ds Mark III files very slow to convert
  172. Help need to edit HYML file
  173. edit jpg instead of raw?
  174. Flat View and filters
  175. AF microadjustment settings in EXIF
  176. GPS template to include "terrain" ??
  177. thanks!
  178. FZ28 RAW conversion in BBPro 1.9.4
  179. Need help for changing date
  180. Reverse Batch Renumber Using 5-Digit Sequence
  181. RAW conversion: output file naming
  182. BBP V 1.9.4 > Latitude and longitude data : GPS icon not in the screen...
  183. wishlist stuff, new view?.....
  184. BBPro and DLPro tokens
  185. Exif removal
  186. Feature Request
  187. Template - simple for image number and time taken
  188. Resizing for upload
  189. On-Line Storage Access with Breezebrowser
  190. Copyright Status incorrect in BBPro
  191. Sony exif
  192. Sort by size?
  193. A jpeg colour question.
  194. AVI Thumbnails
  195. Canon G10 raw converstion = to much noise
  196. Ver. 2 ?
  197. "Order" template - how do I get trailing zeros displayed in the price?
  198. Hover effect in html folder
  199. sort order - shooting time
  200. Coolpix P6000 NRW not displayed as thumbnails
  201. BB has stopped working - Vista SP2
  202. Support for Canon SX1IS raw conversion
  203. Is it possible to have a link in comment?
  204. Feature request: square field in slide show
  205. Slow going from Main view to convert
  206. Units of cache?
  207. Dust Delete Data
  208. Geo-tagging using Google Earth
  209. Interaction between BBPro and DPP
  210. Aspect Ratio
  211. tif files in thumbnails
  212. Second link page not getting generated
  213. Bridge Rotation not Displayed in Adobe Bridge cs4
  214. Enhancement for BBPro
  215. Bookmarks or favorites?
  216. Can't Process RAWs - Canon 5D MKII
  217. D700 file size as reported wrong v1.8
  218. Question regarding ORF support
  219. 7D support
  220. Looking for a shortcut
  221. Deleting CR2 + JPG or CR2 only - quickly?
  222. Status bar
  223. GPS incorrect South of the Equator?
  224. Main screen - main function bar in the "wrong" place
  225. Canon 1DsIII - A/D bit depth ?
  226. Feature request: delete
  227. Feature Request: Multiple Tagging Selection
  228. How can i delete Metada in BB pro ?
  229. print preview hanging
  230. Upgrade to Win7 causes slow startup
  231. G11 support
  232. Feature Request, IPTC Urgency
  233. JPEG rotation in BB1 not rendered in BB2
  234. white balance not helping
  235. Breezebrowser 1.0 access violation in Win7
  236. Copy EXIF Data GPS only...
  237. Size Restrictions
  238. Speed-up displaying tumbnails?
  239. Missing keywords
  240. Program Crashes
  241. Launch of second editor fails
  242. Compatibility with Adobe Lightroom Ratings... Yes/No ?
  243. BBPro-thumbnail display ProPhotoRGB color space
  244. Read/Write access violation's
  245. Can raw conversion settings be saved?
  246. Lat/Log 6-decimal accuracy request
  247. Windows Live Mail vs. Outlook
  248. Editing IPTC data
  249. can't rotate j-peg
  250. feature suggestion