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  1. Compression
  2. Minor inconsistency in handling XMP data
  3. National grid coordinates from GPS
  4. Help for saving settings.
  5. Problem with Slideshow
  6. e-mail problems
  7. raw conversions
  8. Crashing on proofs
  9. JP2 display different from TIFF
  10. Why can't BBpro update original raw image?
  11. Online printing that accepts lossless images?
  12. Viewing file casues it to be tagged
  13. Batch Rename Question
  14. Individual adjustments in batch processing RAW files
  15. DMSI PAYPAL template bug? + question.
  16. 1.71 crashes when file folder is opened
  17. Differentiating Bodies
  18. Border getting chopped off by online site
  19. Why the difference between Convert Raw and Proof?
  20. Watermark feature request
  21. Watermarks the @ parameters
  22. v1.70 crashes on EOS 400D CR2s
  23. Improving High Volume Workflow Using Barcode ID
  24. Where are IPTC Caption and Headline in BB Pro?
  25. GPS/Geotagging/Google Earth Feature Request
  26. Not printing edge to edge
  27. Leica M8
  28. s3IS and raw
  29. keyword feature request
  30. Editor which preserves image metadata?
  31. Slow Opening Folders
  32. Why is my raw image displayed differently in different viewers?
  33. JPEG @ 100% quality
  34. What pixel depth to use?
  35. Batch conversion incorrectly changing exposure
  36. Legacy IPTC Description Field**Previously posted to wrong forum**
  37. Need Slideshow Help
  38. Support for Canon 40D
  39. Prevent printing by right clicking
  40. BreezeBrowser Pro v1.7.2 beta 1 Bug Report
  41. Impossible to reinstall BB Pro
  42. IPTC confusion with BBPro entries in Lightroom
  43. Java Script Help
  44. EXIF Copy
  45. Paypal Help
  46. copyright and foreign languages not working
  47. How to zoom with roller?
  48. GeoTagging existing images with plot data
  49. Proof problems
  50. Breezebrowser Pro 172/Error Message
  51. Bug in new version
  52. Light box / light table (for slide show)
  53. Batch Printing...
  54. PTLens plug-in not quite correcting
  55. updating- Chris?
  56. Canon G9 RAW files ?
  57. Zoomfactor in Image Caption possible?
  58. Starting slide show by double-clicking thumbnail
  59. Error message when proofing
  60. Auto Rotate combo for BBPro, DLPro, and Nikon D200?
  61. HTML settings to remember watermark
  62. Camera setting in preferences
  63. where can I download the old version of BBPro?
  64. Copyright message problem in HTML generation
  65. Another annoying feature request
  66. BBPro and New Picture Styles
  67. [RFE] Support for Canon 40D subsecond capture time
  68. Feature Request: Gamma adjustment to HTML generation
  69. HELP! no HTML folder created, yet I can preview gallery
  70. I would like to select CR2 files from matching JPG files
  71. XMP and Adobe CS2
  72. I want a page of bigger pictures
  73. Template help
  74. BBPro v1.7.2 displays G9 RAW files & Print to File works
  75. RAW navigation feature request
  76. BBP just quitting
  77. BBP making weird icon
  78. D3 and D300 support
  79. HTML generation & resizing
  80. Lag opening new folders?
  81. BreezeBrowser Pro v1.7.3 beta 1
  82. Loading Proofed JPGs in Photoshop CS3
  83. BBP 1.63 Exception Process error while "Proofing"
  84. "Batch Convert Raw Images..." issue
  85. Labels & Star Ratings in BBPro
  86. Which EXIF date/time?
  87. Gamma vs Slider
  88. Problem with Linear/Combined Raw Conversion
  89. Sony ARW Support
  90. Tools->Image Display and color space
  91. Shutter actuations on new Canons
  92. HTML question
  93. Window startup location
  94. BBP Suggestion
  95. Printing Watermarks & File Numbers
  96. BBPro and Canon libraries
  97. HTML file location
  98. Wish list
  99. showing file name right above or below in film strip?
  100. Any way to save custom slideshow settings?
  101. Select Converted?
  102. TIFF 16 bit has become default setting??
  103. Token help
  104. Previously Viewed Directories
  105. Monitor profile?
  106. Question about "View Actual Image"
  107. Canon Picture Styles
  108. Proofs Bug: Lens Distortion
  109. sRAW support
  110. Printing Album Pages
  111. HTML conversion: Limitation for Main Image
  112. Feature request
  113. Problem with BBPro Directory Tree
  114. expired beta..
  115. BBPro crashes with 40D SRAW
  116. Feature request
  117. BB PRo appears to put duplicate file entries into PSP X2
  118. Error message
  119. Need some help editing javascript in template
  120. Scalable Thumbnails-feature request
  121. Feature requests: thumbnail sizes & tagging
  122. Slow Process.. Too slow!!
  123. BBpro Template Editing Issue
  124. xmp file location
  125. EXIF Copy function does not copy info from XMP files?
  126. Canon G3 RAW Conversion Not Working Under Vista
  127. emailing html page
  128. Problem-Win Explorer file Date Created/time is 1 hour earlier than EXIF data
  129. XMP get's confused
  130. 40D AEB Shot Number
  131. XMP confusion: SOLVED (but not for BBPro)
  132. Feature Request
  133. BreezeBrowser Pro v1.7.3 beta 3
  134. Batch Rename: why a limited number of presets?
  135. G 9 raw
  136. Captions, labels, dates & tokens
  137. 1.7.2 issue (bug?)
  138. Merging incomplete
  139. Viewing images on network drive?
  140. e-mail / absolute path
  141. no \ in caption field
  142. Truncating File Names
  143. Loss of data in IPTC batch update
  144. Location field tags
  145. Jpeg Iptc --> Raw Iptc?
  146. Thanks and a request
  147. Post Processing - Lighten image
  148. Rotation & Magnifier
  149. Sort by date modified
  150. How to force JPG use for Proof ?
  151. Latest version 1ds mk11 or mk111?
  152. Exif editing?
  153. Thumbs from ARW-Files are not shown
  154. converted images look flat
  155. HTML Template Question
  156. minor request link jpg/raw- open jpg
  157. HTML-Generation
  158. Settings for Photos HD 1920x1080 (or 1620x1080)?
  159. Request for Batch Rename modifications
  160. 1.7.3 uses IE instead of Default Browser?
  161. switching off copy by double click
  162. HTML Generate Main image and 2 thumbnails?
  163. Adding new images to HTML gallery
  164. Slow PSD file display
  165. D300 becomes a D2X
  166. 1D mark III focus points in DNG
  167. GPS Problem
  168. Problem proofing a rotated portrait format jpg
  169. Search/Sort/Filter by Keyword
  170. Printing photos
  171. Coundown Clock on Gallery
  172. Proof question
  173. JPEG Image Verification
  174. Color gamut in HTML
  175. Another Proof Question
  176. Request: "Copy out"
  177. Rotation Contradiction.
  178. Tecnical Problem with BB pro "BB has encountered a problem and needs to close"
  179. Request for Regenerate thumbs
  180. Request: Micro-adjust setting
  181. Automatic Slideshow - Live Refresh
  182. DSMI PayPal template prices
  183. Raw conversion Output dpi in PSD format
  184. Slideshow Question
  185. feature request re: loading of tag files
  186. Proof corrups EXIF Tags
  187. where are the jpeg files?
  188. IPTC Data?
  189. HTML enhancement suggestion
  190. Add copyright to recursive combined template?
  191. Off topic: 1DS Mk III Raw file please?
  192. need help combining Order and Slideshow template
  193. Sort by orientation (feature request)
  194. Starting Remote With Browser
  195. DPP RAW files and IPTC/XMP data
  196. HTML "Home" attributes
  197. Proofs cause BreezeBrowser to crash
  198. Updating IPTC data
  199. Feature request - file recognition
  200. Proofs JPG (No EXIF)
  201. Orientation oddity when RAW + JPG linked
  202. PSD file fron Photosop CS3 not displayed
  203. Rotation of images with Canon 40D
  204. Feature Request: Image Properties in Actual Image view
  205. GPS Map Page and PayPal Order Page - combining
  206. Sort numerically then by time stamp ?
  207. The Parameter is incorrect popup error box!
  208. BB Pro G9 Support -- v. 1.8 beta 1
  209. Pro won't load
  210. EPS files
  211. HTML QUESTION for the experts...
  212. Which Keyword Vocabulary database to Use?
  213. How can I search keywords or IPTC/XMP Data
  214. Can't Open a Converted Tiff Image
  215. BBPro Keeps Crashing
  216. Browse With BreezeBrowser Pro - Vista
  217. Can you crop in BB Pro?
  218. Workflow suggestions please ! HELP !
  219. Sony A700
  220. Geocode via IPTC data
  221. Metadata compatability with LR v1.3.1
  222. Batch processing in Breeze Browser?
  223. Bug: 1.8 Beta 2 HTML generation
  224. PicLens
  225. Beta 2 text handling error/change and other
  226. Image resolution using BBPro raw converter
  227. Copy / Paste or Edit Geo-Tag...
  228. HTML template question.
  229. Feature suggestion: grouping
  230. Converting negs to positive
  231. Please improve network support
  232. Conversion times - What are others seeing?
  233. New to forum
  234. Question about Canon XSi RAW conversion
  235. color in C1 greener than BB although settings are same
  236. EXIF / IPTC Description / User Comment
  237. Going back to BB. But feature request please.
  238. GPS template - Satellite/Terrain background?
  239. BB Pro Preferences file
  240. Anyone running BBPro on a Mac?
  241. Error trying to convert Canon XSi RAW file
  242. GPS data format tokens
  243. Bug in BBPro 1.8
  244. focus point overlay 1.8 beta
  245. HAL.dll corruption
  246. Focus points with Nikon D200
  247. Bug in gallery creation with BBPro 1.8?
  248. BBPro will not open unless connected to Internet?
  249. Focus Points XTi/440D
  250. BB Pro 1.8